Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
59 Reviews
The highly anticipated Russian preworkout THE POWER has finally arrived.
So what's it like?
Make no mistake, THE POWER is not for beginners. It kicks in FAST, HARD and TAKES HOLD of your workout - specifically your power output. Unlike other hard hitting preworkouts, your breathing will be affected, but in a good way. Instead of shortness of breath, THE POWER opens your breathing in a way like we've never experienced from any preworkout.
This is NOT a feel good, hit the clubs all night type of product.
THE POWER is the ultimate power-load, own the gym PR destroyer. The energy will easily go beyond your workout so we do not recommend taking this at night - unless you plan on NOT going to bed. Lastly, one of our favorite parts: NO WEIRD SIDE EFFECTS! No anxiety, depression, chills or discomfort really of any type....just clean, long lasting get shit done energy!
But don't just take our word for it:
TJ, Fitness Deal News. Never heard of him? Like he likes to say....Google me bro.
"Slap you in the face, hard hitting, focused, get shit done energy"
"You just feel strong. You go for more reps. You go heavier than usual...the strongest version of yourself for 2 hours"